National Coalition for Church Vocations

The National Coalition for Church Vocations is a membership of the:

  • National Conference of Diocesan Vocation Directors
  • National Religious Vocation Conference
  • J. S. Paluch Company, Inc.
  • Priests of the Sacred Heart
  • Rogationists of the Heart of Jesus
  • USA Council of Serra International

NCCV is a charitable not-for-profit 501 (c) 3 organization.
NCCV exists for the purpose of promoting Catholic Church vocations, especially by providing quality resources for vocation ministry, awareness, education, and discernment. We believe that:

  • Vocation ministry is a way of participating in the mission of Jesus.
  • Each Christian vocation is rooted in the baptismal call to holiness and invites mutual respect and encouragement.
  • The involvement of the church community through prayer, support, and invitation is essential in the discernment of each Christian vocation.

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